MUSIC is the synthesis of art and science, a COMPOSITION of physical force and emotive affect born from vibrations of matter in Pythagorean ratios brought to consciousness through a coded THEORY of acoustic symbols. From raw-throated RUDIMENTS of song springs music's endless dance with HISTORY, finding in ingenious inventions such as the PIANO and CLARINET ever-more varied tones in which to weave its COUNTERPOINT of ritual and repose. Music is art yearning for the eternal, its birthright the vaunted HARMONY of the spheres realized through the great masterworks in which the virtues of rigour and imagination are preserved as its ever enduring LESSONS.

This website is an archive of articles and resources for my music studio between 2013 and 2016.

Below is a list of resources developed for the needs of various students between 2013 and 2018, many of which were previously unpublished. They are free for students and teachers to use in studying music, but come with no guarantee of accuracy.


Theory rudiments


Music History (RCM I)


Learning Through The Arts

These are a sampling of lesson plans I developed for the Learning Through The Arts program. Learning Through The Arts was a Royal Conservatory of Music program partnering teachers with local artists and First Nations/Metis/Inuit elders to enrich core curriculum and provide professional development. Lessons were developed in collaboration with teachers to cover specific topics in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, following Alberta Education standards.